3 of Pentacles
The card speaking is the 3 of Pentacles, in reverse. The 3 of Pentacles generally represents what a person is good at, their trade, business or profession. It also represents a person who has worked hard to receive a reward or blessing or is doing so now in order to gain what they desire in their work life.
However, when the 3 of Pentacles is reversed, it advises us to not slack off! Making halfhearted attempts is not the way to go this month, especially if you are trying to get a raise, promotion, trying to open a new business or expand on an existing one.
- Do not get lazy or allow yourself to be slowed down in any way. Continue your hard work, the results will pay off!
- Do not discouraged by negative people in the environment of your job. You may encounter some pettiness, drama etc. Be polite but firm.
- Make sure you cross your T's & dot your I's at work this month, follow procedures etc.
Burn the Double Action Money Candle
to remove any obstacles in your way this month.
View this Candle: Double Action Money Candle
Get a mix of the following dried herbs: Hyssop, Rue & Patchouli. Sprinkle some into your candle, boil and make a bath/sprinkle for yourself, home or business. Burn on charcoal for strong jinx removing & money drawing.
Wear green with a little bit of black to draw what you want, repel what you don't. Could be a bracelet, a hair clip, a pretty skirt or nice tie.
As always, Love, Light & Progress!