Shipping policies


  • Orders are only processed on business days, Monday through Friday.
  • Customers have 24 hours to cancel orders without a restocking fee.
  • Please inspect your package as soon as it arrives. Customer have 48 hours to notify us of any issues.
  • Returned or canceled orders will be subject to a 20% restocking fee.
  • We are not able to guarantee product availability or delivery time.
  • Any out-of-stock items will automatically be substituted or refunded when the order is processed.
  • National disasters, acts of nature, etc. may affect your order processing.


  • We strive to have the majority of items in stock, however please keep in mind that we are a spiritual store. We carry unique items; some of which handmade or are not easily available.
  • Due to the nature of the items we sell, supply and demand; we are unable to guarantee 100% product availability. There may be times where an item will sell out faster than the system updates the quantities to our website.


  • Normal store shipping policies are subject to change without notice.
  • Handling time during normal operations can be anywhere from 4-7 business days depending on when your order was placed, the order size, Etc.
  • We do not offer expedited or overnight shipping.
  • Orders are only shipped via Priority Mail or First Class with USPS (expedited or overnight shipping is unavailable at this time).
  • Shipping information can take 24-48 to update.
  • Customers are responsible for the cost of return shipping, customs, duties and/or any internationals fees.
  • Shipping costs are based on the weight of the package and distance.
  • $100 insurance is already included with your shipping cost.
  • Free shipping is offered on orders over $185 AND that weigh less than 30 lbs. Orders that meet the minimum price but weigh over 30 lbs will be sent an invoice for the shipping cost.
  • Additional Insurance can be purchased, read more here.
  • For added security, Signature Confirmation is available and can be added to any order.
  • Carrier transit times are different from Yeyeo Botanica order processing times.
  • Please note: Shipping Transit Times should not be confused with the order processing times.
  • Example: Priority Mail 2 Day Shipping means that when your order is dropped at USPS, it will on average take 2 days to reach you. This does not mean your order is being processed in 2 days.


Orders that are returned for any reason (such as wrong address, undeliverable or any issue related to the address or delivery, delivery voluntarily refused by customer) OR customers who cancel their orders AFTER 24 hours are subject to the following policy:

  • Orders that are cancelled after the 24 hour grace period will be refunded minus a 20% restocking fee.
  • We will only contact a customer once for returned orders. Customers have 48 hours to respond to our contact via email or phone.
  • After 48 hours, we will automatically issue a refund minus the restocking fee.
  • Returned orders can be resent, customer will be required to pay for the additional shipping label.
  • Customers who do not wish to have the order resent will be issued a refund minus a 20% restocking fee.
  • This restocking fee policy applies also to local pick up orders.


We strive to keep the majority of items in stock and available to our customers. We stock exclusive and rare items, some of which are hand or custom-made, and may not be readily available due to the unique nature of the item.

  • For this reason, we are unable to guarantee 100% product availability. If an ordered item goes on back order quicker than our system updates the quantities to our website, we will notify the customer.
  • Customers have the option to accept a substitution or receive a refund for that item. We will make substitutions without notification if the item(s) being substituted are not drastically different.
  • You will automatically be issued a refund or substitution for out-of-stock items.


  • Any claims for a lost/missing package must be taken up with the mail carrier in question. We are not responsible for lost/missing, undelivered or returned orders; customers must contact the carrier in question to request investigation or file a claim.
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring the correct shipping information is entered at checkout. Yeyeo Botanica does not accept responsibility for problems due to wrong information entered such as missing apartment numbers, suite numbers etc.
  • Any claims for a lost/missing package must be taken up with the mail carrier in question. We are not responsible for lost/missing, undelivered or returned orders; customers must contact the carrier in question to request investigation or file a claim.
  • Once the order leaves our store, we do not have any control over what happens to the package.
  • No refunds will be issued for lost/missing packages with tracking that shows package/items have been delivered.
  • Returned orders will be charged a 20% restocking if returned undeliverable or if customer chooses to cancel the order.
  • For orders being re-sent, customer is responsible for the new shipping label cost.
  • Please contact the mail carrier to locate lost or missing packages to request an investigation or file a claim.


  • While we take every precaution to ensure your items arrive safely, we have no control over the circumstances once the package leaves our store.
  • We do not guarantee, replace, or refund broken items unless additional insurance is purchased.
  • $100 insurance is included with your order. You may file a claim for reimbursement with the carrier for broken or damaged items.
  • You can file a claim directly with USPS for reimbursement for damaged or missing items.
  • You will need to take pictures of the damaged item(s) and show proof of purchase.
  • To file a claim, please see this link:
  • Insurance is now available for your order, read more here: Insurance
  • For added security, Signature Confirmation is available and can be added to any order.


Areas where we ship as of January 1st 2023. Please note this can change, countries may be added or removed without notice:

  • Continental US
  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Puerto Rico
  • US Virgin Islands
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • United Kingdom
  • Luxembourg
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Vatican City
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Greenland
  • Iceland
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Bermuda
  • Bahamas
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Australia
  • New Zealand


  • International Customers are responsible for any and/or all Customs & Duties or any other related taxes or tariffs from their respective countries; including any brokerage fees or carrier based fees.
  • We will not declare orders as gifts and we do not take responsibility for the above mentioned items.
  • International orders can take longer to arrive as we do not have control over international policies, please be aware before placing your order.
  • Yeyeo Botanica is not responsible for any return shipping fees, brokerage fees or the costs of return shipping. Customers are solely responsible for those fees.
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