On one of our YouTube videos, a great question was asked about relationship problems, how to deal with fighting, negativity and to spark up romance again.
Today's blog focuses on the different spiritual tools & a spell for helping with issues in relationships.
One big part of all relationships is communication! So in addition to the spiritual work you may be doing, speaking and/or communicating with your partner in a loving but honest manner is absolutely necessary.
Cleaning of the home & yourself is another important step. The negative energy & vibrations need to be removed in order to start facilitating a more positive change.
You need to clean in 2 phases-first "bitter" or strong to break up & removal obstacles. Then "sweet" or drawing to bring you & your partner closer.
Clean your home or yourself with herbs, spiritual waters or colognes.
Some great herbs for removing negativity in relationships are Rue, Patchouli, Hyssop. They are great for breaking up crossed conditions or jinxes in relationships.
For very heavy negative vibration removal, use Barberry, Eucalyptus & St Johns Wort.
Boil your chosen herbs for about 20 mins or until you see the water is getting dark. Then strain the herbs from the water.
This "bitter" bath/liquid, do not add anything else to it, then use this liquid to bathe with or mop the floors of your home.
The next day or the following week as you choose, make a "sweet" bath. Our favorite love herbs are Red Raspberry, Red Clover Blossom, Violet & Penny Royal. Boil these herbs as you did the bitter herb bath.
To this "sweet" bath, add whatever sweet smelling colognes or perfumes you like; Rose, Violet, Orange Water & Spikenard colognes are especially nice for love drawing. A small amount of honey is always nice.
Candle wise, burn a Pink Love Couple Figure Candle in between an 7 Day Green Candle and a 7 Day White Candle. Add oils such as Voice Changer, Come to Me, Hummingbird, Open Road, Cut & Clear, Unlock & Uncrossing. You can also mix these oils up & wear them every day!
You can also take some of the "sweet" herbs and add them to all these candles.
Burn these candles only a couple minutes each day, praying & giving your intention for peace, communication, renewed love & affection between yourself & your partner.
View all our Love & Relationship Supplies Here: Love & Romance
View also these products for added strength & success to your work:
Custom Oils Mojo Bags Prepared Spiritual Baths
Have more questions? Please stop by any day or schedule a reading for even more specialized help for your situation.
As always, wishing you Love, Progress & Light!
Wonderful soul
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